It's was one BIG step for Liverpool Council, but a small step for Mumu & Bubu in building our dream home.
- 10 weeks
- 25 phone calls
- 4 times being told "it's due to be complete next week"
- 8 times being told "should be ready by tomorrow"
- 2 times being told "its with admin and drawings should be stamped tomorrow morning"- 50 occasions of obscene use of explicit language (not whilst the council lady was on the phone obviously!)
- 69 sleepless nights
- 1 fist pump in the airwe FINALLY have our DA approved by Liverpool Council!!!! WHOOT/YIPPEEE ^_^
I'm so excited and i just cant hide it i know i know i know and i think i like it!.......did i say 1 fist pump? Lets make that 2! YEAH!